I am so upset these photos didn't work in class! I'm thinking it might be because the original files were saved to mybackpack but I'm not sure. I took ten but I will leave you with seven.

In Newark, NJ in the parking lot of a Burger King I confronted a couple- or maybe they were friends or brother and sister- I'm not sure. I loved this picture of her conversing with cigarette in hand- it might be hard to tell what she is doing which is a possible downside to the photo, as well as her hand being chopped off, but I like the natural feel of it and the environmental aspect. She was very into the idea of no-posing.
I saw this woman under the underpass near Reading Terminal and I liked her look, she was very calm and had no
problem with me photographing her. I had her stand in a couple different places to test lighting situations and
background and I ended up liking the swishing-car photo the best.

I took this picture in The Gallery at Market East in a small fresh-grocer convenient store. At first I wanted to photograph the woman who worked there but she didn't want me to and sent me over the owner, translated my request, and he agreed. He was very friendly and open and picked up that zucchini with no direction.

This was taken in Newark, NJ- I was actually waiting for a train transfer with my sister and we decided to explore the neighborhood while we waited. I came across few people who would let me photograph them but these two girls were open to the idea and I made sure to take this before they were ready.

I was in New York last weekend and my friend and I were walking around Washington Square park- near the NYU campus, where I met these lively girls dancing their hearts out. I wanted to show movement and I liked how the forms of people are still recognizable even though there is a lot of blur.

This was in the West Village late at night and I loved watching these kids run around- they were getting so much joy out of simply running back and forth chasing each other. It was funny to watch other passerby smile at them and laugh at how amazingly simple their happiness was- it was great and they were adorable. I liked the juxtaposition here- the old man on the bench and the young children running- his stillness and their motion.

This was at the train station in my home town and even though it is extremely overexposed I still wanted to use it because I love his expression and body language and the old ladies in the background. I was in a major rush to catch the train which is why I didn't take more frames or check my settings- big mistake.